Zouhair Maalej zmaalej at GNET.TN
Wed Feb 7 15:31:54 UTC 2001

(Apologies for multiple postings)

                                                CALL FOR PAPERS

                                      The Seventh EDS CONFERENCE
                                        (22-23-24 November, 2001)

To be hosted by the English Department of the Faculty of letters
and Human Sciences Manouba, University of Manouba-Tunis, Tunisia

                                      Theme: STRATEGIES OF BETRAYAL

A) Areas:
The English Department Seminar (EDS) is happy to announce its
forthcoming seventh conference on  STRATEGIES OF BETRAYAL.
We invite papers in English in different areas of interest. Preference
will go to papers that  move beyond basic plot paradigms and
the theme of betrayal.
     Deception, illusion, pretence, forgery and ambiguity all conspire
to create  “meaning." Genres cannibalise each other, and literary
forms evolve both synchronically and diachronically, making in the
process readers’ “horizons of expectations” fuse/defuse in often
unpredictable ways. Strategies of betrayal are common in formal
and functional views of language at the micro- and macro-linguistic
levels. These strategies are responsible for hijacking attitudes
and manipulating opinions, and are found in the contrast between
people’s knowledge of language and the hypotheses and conclusions
elaborated by linguists. Papers may also focus on the risk faced
by historians and sociologists of betraying “truth”, class, country
or one’s former self . They can  probe case histories of trust misplaced
and solidarity betrayed , or explore the dichotomy between project
and end result.

B) Abstract  guidelines and submission:
The deadline for abstract submission is 30 July.
The proposal should include :

a) name of author(s), affiliation, telephone /fax/e-mail and full
snail-mail address
b) title of submission
c) a maximum of 200 words

Submissions by e-mail should be sent  to one of the following
      Sadok Bouhlila           e-mail:    sbouh at yahoo.com
     Hichem Hlioui            e-mail:    h_hlioui at yahoo.fr
     Hajer Weslaty             e-mail:    h.weslaty at flm.rnu.tn

Printed abstracts/ Enquiries can be addressed to :
Sadok Bouhlila EDS co-ordinator (address provided below.)
e-mail: sbouh at yahoo.com

The allotted time for delivery is 25 minutes followed by a brief
discussion. The Conference Steering Committee will notify
acceptance by e-mail or fax at the latest by early September.

C) Full paper submission:
Authors of accepted abstracts will be requested to submit full
papers for publication in Proceedings of the EDS. The style
sheet will be mailed  to participants whose abstracts are
accepted. A copy of the paper  is due in by the end of January
2002 at the latest.

D) Registration:
The registration fee has been fixed at US$ 20 on site
(pre-registration is due by early October.)

E) Date/Venue and Accommodation:
The Conference will take place on 22-23-24 November, 2001.
The venue of the Conference will be The Faculty of Letters of
Manouba. University of Manouba. For details concerning
accommodation, please contact the EDS co-ordinator.

                                    Dr Sadok BOUHLILA, EDS Co-ordinator.
                                    Department of English,
                                    Faculty of Letters, Manouba , 2010.
                                    Tunis, Tunisia.
                                    Tel: (+216)1 601447 or(+216) 1  601391
                                    Fax:(+216) 1 600910
                                    e-mail : sbouh at yahoo.com
Dr Zouhair Maalej,
Department of English, Chair,
Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences,
University of Manouba,
Tunis-Manouba, 2010, Tunis, Tunisia.
Office phone: (+216) 1 600 700  Ext. 174
Office Fax: (+216) 1 600 910
Home Telefax: (+216) 1 362 871
E-mail: zmaalej at gnet.tn
URL: http//: simsim.rug.ac.be/ZMaalej

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