Auto-Reply Message (was Re: New book on Nordic text linguistics and discourse analysis)

Susanne Tienken Susanne.Tienken at TYSKA.SU.SE
Thu Mar 29 09:38:05 UTC 2001

At 22:09 2001-03-25 +0200, you wrote:
>New book announcement:
>New Directions in Nordic Text Linguistics and Discourse Analysis: 
>Methodological Issues
>Edited by Wenche Vagle and Kay Wikberg
>Oslo: Novus
>ISBN: 82-7099-333-6
>Price in Euro: 32.20 (Price in NOK: 264.00)
>Fax order form to be found at
>This volume is a collection of papers based on the presentations given at 
>the NordText Conference that was held at the University of Oslo in January 
>2000. The papers focus on recent methodological developments within text 
>linguistics and discourse analysis - mainly as reflected in the Nordic 
>countries. Some of the papers discuss important text-linguistic and 
>discourse-theoretical issues such as the widening scope of the discourse 
>concept, the semantic constraints of discourse connectives, and central 
>terms such as discourse communities, parallel texts, superstructure and 
>polyphony. Others deal with the empirical application of 
>discourse-analytical methods - some of them multidisciplinary - in the 
>study of for instance multimodal discourse, media discourse, 
>subject-oriented prose, school texts and writing skills, discourse in 
>professional settings, simultaneous interpretation, genre variation and 
>evolution, as well as contrastive issues and quantitative text patterns.
>Table of contents
>Especially invited contributions
>Corinne Rossari:        Pragmatic Links and Semantic Impact of Discourse 
>Jan Svensson:   Non-literary prose in Sweden: Reflections on a 
>multi-disciplinary approach
>Stig Johansson: Grammar Across Speech and Writing
>Discussion of Concepts
>Kjersti Breivega:       Mot ei lingvistisk forankring av 
>Finn Frandsen:  What Do Members of Discourse Communities Have in Common?
>Sigmund Kvam:   Parallel Texts, Translation and Contrastive Textology: 
>Some Theoretical Considerations
>Developments in methodology
>Trine Dahl:     Text evaluation methods: the case of computer-generated 
>Anne Marie Bülow-Möller:        Using textlinguistic methodologies for 
>analysing processing in simultaneous interpretation
>Kjersti Fløttum:        Linguistic and literary polyphony - some 
>methodological questions
>Francoise Sullet-Nylander:      Reported speech in French media discourse
>Multimedia discourse
>Anna-Malin Karlsson:    Analysing the multimodality of writing. A model 
>and a method applied to personal homepages
>Winni Johansen: Semantic Isotopy and the Analysis of Polysemiotic Texts
>Pentti Haddington:      Applying theories, doing Praxis: Methodological 
>problems in studying the textual accessibility of baby-food labels
>Rowena Jansson: Metadiscourse - Bridging the gap
>School texts and writing skills
>Per Ledin:      To put a full stop: The use of the sentence in children's 
>Catharina Nyström:      Reference cohesion in school-texts. In search of a 
>method of analysis
>Åsa Wengelin:   Investigating writing strategies - how do spelling 
>difficulties influence text production?
>Eva Östlund-Stjärnegårdh: What texts pass the national test in Swedish?
>Discourse in professional settings
>Salli Kankaanpää:       From letters to news reports. Diachronic changes 
>in Finnish municipal press releases 1979 - 1999
>Inger Ruin:     Non-finite versus finite constructions - a problem in the 
>translation of Swedish literary texts into English?
>Jesper Hermann: Understandings between doctors and patients - some 
>methodological issues
>wenche.vagle at
>Wenche Vagle
>Institutt for nordistikk og litteraturvitenskap
>Universitetet i Oslo
>Postboks 1013, Blindern
>0315 Oslo
>Tlf: 22 85 69 74
>Faks: 22 85 71 00
>Department of Scandinavian Studies and Comparative Literature
>University of Oslo
>P.O. Box 1013, Blindern
>N - 0315 Oslo
>Phone: (+47) 22 85 69 74
>Fax: (+47) 22 85 71 00

Jag är bortrest mellan 2001-03-09 och 2001-03-29. Jag återkommer till dig 
så fort jag kan.

Vom 9. März bis zum 29. März befinde ich mich auf Reisen. Ich beantworte 
Ihre Mail so schnell wie möglich nach meiner Rückkunft.

Är det bråttom?

Om det gäller konferensen "Samhällets diskurser" kan du kontakta 
Per.Ledin at eller kristina.boreus at

Om det gäller Tyska I vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm kan du kontakta 
Margaritha.Jacobaeus at

Om det gäller utbytesprogrammet SOKRATES kan du kontakta 
Ingrid.Nordberg at

Gäller det annat ber jag dig att vänta tills jag är tillbaka.

Med vänliga hälsningar

Susanne Tienken

Susanne Tienken
Institutionen för tyska och nederländska
Stockholms universitet
S-106 91 Stockholm
Tel  + 46 8 16 35 03
Fax + 46 8 15 40 44
e-mail susanne.tienken at

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