Films for teaching

Roy, Cynthia B croy at IUPUI.EDU
Thu May 17 19:00:59 UTC 2001

John Gumperz made a film a while back called CROSSTALK; I'm not sure who
distributes it but it's a great film for showing cross-cultural differences
in everyday life.

Cynthia B. Roy, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Director, ASL/English Interpreting Program & ASL classes
English Dept. - Indiana University Indianapolis
425 University Blvd.
Indianapolis, IN 46202 USA
Fax: 317-278-1287

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Kiesling [mailto:sfkiesling at YAHOO.COM]
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 1:29 PM
Subject: Films for teaching


I'm in search of films for teaching a cross-cultural
(intercultural) communication class. I am NOT looking
for films ABOUT this topic, but rather films that
would be good to use as examples of intercultural
communication, or as examples of discourse norms in
various cultures. I also may use these as primary data
for student papers, if I can find some good ones.

Please send me any ideas/suggestions, especially if
you have used such films before!

I will post a summary and eventually my complete list
(I've tried to search for an existing list but have
found none).



Scott Kiesling
University of Pittsburgh

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