Text, Context, Concepts, edited by Cornelia Zelinsky-Wibbelt (2003)

Julia Ulrich Julia.Ulrich at DEGRUYTER.COM
Tue Feb 18 15:40:04 UTC 2003

New Publication from Mouton de Gruyter!!!!

>>From the series

Text, Translation, Computational Processing

Series Editors:
Annely Rothkegel and John Laffling

Text, Context, Concepts
Edited by Cornelia Zelinsky-Wibbelt

2003. viii, 372 pages. Cloth.
Euro 98.00 / sFr 157,- / approx. US$ 98.00
ISBN 3-11-017553-3

(TTCP 4)

The common aim of the contributions to this volume is to shed light on
the communication of conceptual structures. The papers investigate how
speakers rely on the same cognitive dispositions in three different
areas of transfer: in the lexicaliza-tion of metonymies and metaphors;
in intercultural communication; and in expert-lay communication


Cornelia Zelinsky-Wibbelt

1. Lexical Transfer

Discourse and lexicalization
Cornelia Zelinsky-Wibbelt

Communicative transfer of metonymic reference
Hans Strohner

On the mixing of conceptual metaphors
Christa J. Baldauf

Classifiers, metonymies, and genericity: A study of Vietnamese
Leila Behrens

Comparing apples and pears. Latent Semantic Analysis
Alex Deppert

2. Transfer Between Languages

Morning, noon and night: Denotational incongruencies between English and
Olaf Jäkel

Marked communication and cultural knowledge in lexis
Carol Inchaurralde

Integrating translation theory and translation practice
Cornelia Zelinsky-Wibbelt

Form symbolism across languages: Danish, Slovene, and Japanese
John M. Kennedy, Chang Hong Liu, Bradford H. Challis, Victor Kennedy

3. Transfer Between Functional Varieties

Metaphors in expert and common-sense reasoning
Susanne Richardt

Accurate fuzziness as constructive reduction in communication
Hanna Pishwa

The misreporting of science: The debate about the Antarctic ozone hole
Wolf-Andreas Liebert

Levels of abstraction in specialist concepts as a translation problem
Radegundis Stolze

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