Exchanging public domain audio files on language and Linguistics

Celso Alvarez Cáccamo lxalvarz at UDC.ES
Sun Mar 4 20:28:31 UTC 2007

(Please excuse cross-posting),


I have been gathering freely available audio materials on language and 
linguistics from the Internet: interviews and news on language origins, 
evolution, animal communication, non verbal communication, language and 
politics, Deaf Language, computers and language, cognition, variation, 
bilingualism, etc.

As of now I have about 108 segments, more than 700MB, (most of them in US 
or UK English, a few in Brazilian Portuguese, two or three in Castilian 
Spanish) from National Public Radio, Scientific American, the Biblioteca 
Virtual Brasileira, The Five Minute Linguist, etc. All of them are MP3 
files, which I've organized with iTunes including as much detail as 
possible (date of broadcast or podcast, program, participants, etc.).

If other people have gathered similar materials and they'd like to exchange 
them with me (in English, Portuguese, Spanish or Catalan), I can send you 
an Excel file with my listing. Thanks.


Celso Alvarez Cáccamo
Depto. de Galego-Português, Francês e Linguística
Universidade da Corunha
15071 Corunha, Galiza (Spain)

lxalvarz at udc.es

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