Exchanging public domain audio files on language and Linguistics

Webb Sprague webb.sprague at GMAIL.COM
Sun Mar 4 21:44:27 UTC 2007

> If other people have gathered similar materials and they'd like to exchange
> them with me (in English, Portuguese, Spanish or Catalan), I can send you
> an Excel file with my listing. Thanks.


You could probably set up a server to distribute them and do the world
a service, and probably also become something of a central hub, and
thus get everyone's data at the same time.

I can offer basic technical advice if you do this.


> -celso
> Celso Alvarez Cáccamo
> Depto. de Galego-Português, Francês e Linguística
> Universidade da Corunha
> 15071 Corunha, Galiza (Spain)
> lxalvarz at udc.es
> http://www.udc.es/dep/lx/cac

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