CFP: 5th Lancaster Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching

Francis Hult francis.hult at
Mon Jan 25 21:24:13 UTC 2010


5th Lancaster Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching, July 2010


Call for Papers


Submission Guidelines for Abstracts

Abstracts should be no more than 300 words and should be submitted via e-mail as attachments (Microsoft Word/Rich Text Format files). 


Abstracts should include only: 

The title of the paper 

A list of 3 -5 key words describing the area and focus of the paper 

The aim of the session 

The research focus 

The research methodology 

A brief summary of findings (if applicable) 

A short list of key references 


Abstracts should not include the author's name or any other identifying information. 


The subject line of the e-mail accompanying the abstract should contain the words "Abstract submission" 


The body of the email message should contain:

The title and preferred presentation type (oral or poster) 

The name(s) of the author(s) and their affiliation(s) 

A brief author's bio-data (up to 40 words) 

The author's e-mail address and contact details 

Audiovisual equipment required (if any) 


The main and secondary area of your research, from the list below 

Cognitive linguistics 

Corpus linguistics 

Critical discourse analysis 

Historical linguistics 




Second language teaching/learning/assessment 




Translation studies 

Other: please specify 


Submission Deadline 

Submission deadline is Sunday 21 March 2010. 


Please email your abstracts to: laelpgabstract at 

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