citizens getting involved in macro-language policy creation

TAMARA J WARHOL twarhol at
Wed Oct 12 18:29:21 UTC 2011

Larisa Warhol summarizes the grassroots work of Native and non-Native American academics, educators, and advocates working on language revitalization issues that led to the passage of NALA (federal policy).  Her current work explores meso-level initiatives (i.e. state) so you might want to contact her: Larisa.Warhol at

(2011). Warhol, L. Native American language education as policy-in-practice: An interpretive policy
    analysis of the Native American Languages Act of 1990/1992. International Journal of Bilingual
    Education and Bilingualism. 14,(3), 279-299.

Tamara Warhol, PhD
Assistant Professor of TESL & Linguistics
Department of Modern Languages
Director of the Intensive English Program
Division of Outreach & Continuing Studies
University of Mississippi
twarhol at

From: edling-bounces at [edling-bounces at] on behalf of Johnson, David [johnsondc at]
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 1:31 PM
To: edling at
Subject: [Edling] citizens getting involved in macro-language policy creation

I am wondering if list members might share examples of "everyday citizens" (whether academics, educators, or anyone else) getting involved in national or state-level language policy initiatives. What are the channels through which an interested individual can have an impact on the creation of macro-level language policies? Examples might include the work of PRAESA in South Africa, the political activism in favor of French in Canada, and Maori revitalization in New Zealand, all of which have relied on citizens taking action who have had an impact on national language policies. Could list members share other examples?

David Cassels Johnson, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Language and Literacy Education
Department of Teaching and Learning
College of Education, PO Box 642132
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-2132

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