[Edling] CfP for UNICollaboration Conference in Telecollaboration and Virtual Exchange

Shannon Sauro shannon.sauro at mah.se
Tue Sep 5 07:06:38 UTC 2017

Forwarded message below:

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

UNICollaboration (www.unicollaboration.org) is a young, cross-disciplinary organisation which aims to promote practice and research in virtual exchange initiatives in Higher Education. Virtual exchange is an innovative form of online learning which involves engaging learners in intercultural interaction and collaboration with classes in distant locations through online communication technologies under the guidance of teachers or trained facilitators. It is also known in different contexts as telecollaboration, Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) and e-tandem learning.

After two successful conferences in León, Spain in 2014 and Dublin, Ireland in 2016, we would like to invite you to the third UniCollaboration conference. It will take place on 25-27 April 2018 at the Pedagogical University in Kraków, Poland.

The theme of the Krakow conference is:

Telecollaboration and virtual exchange across disciplines:

in service of social inclusion and global citizenship.

We are proud to announce that our keynote speakers for the conference are:

Francesca Helm – a researcher at the Department of Politics, Law and International Studies at the University of Padova, Italy. She has engaged in different types of virtual exchange programmes such as the Soliya Connect Program and Sharing Perspectives in various guises – as researcher, practitioner and also advocate.

Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk – a professor of linguistics working at Department of English Language and Applied Linguistics, University of Lodz, Poland. Her research interests are cognitive linguistics and corpus analysis and their applications in translation studies and computer-mediated communication.

Steve Thorne – a professor of Second Language Acquisition, based at the Department of World Languages and Literatures at Portland State University (USA), and in the Department of Applied Linguistics at the University of Groningen (the Netherlands). His research utilizes cultural-historical, usage-based, distributed and critical approaches to language development, often with a focus on human interactivity in technology-culture contexts.

We invite proposals pertaining to the main theme of the conference as well as describing research and practice in the following areas:

 approaches to telecollaboration and virtual exchange across disciplines

 learning outcomes of virtual exchange and telecollaboration

 different dimensions of virtual exchange (teachers, teacher trainers, students, administration)

 different modes (blended mobility) and models (e.g. Soliya, Cultura) of virtual exchange

 task design and resources in virtual exchange

 telecollaboration and its role in the development of digital literacies

 technological interfaces and multimodality in telecollaborative exchanges

 virtual exchanges involving learners from non-western contexts and the global South

 telecollaboration and its role in the development of global citizenship

 conflict management in / through telecollaboration

 virtual exchanges as complex learning environments: facing the challenge

We call for research papers, practice reports, round table discussions and panels, covering all the above-mentioned aspects of virtual exchange. Proposals concerning virtual exchange from all academic disciplines are encouraged: please circulate this announcement to relevant colleagues from all subject areas.

To submit your proposal, go to: https://www.unicollaboration.org/index.php/krakow2018/submit-your-proposal

Please note the important dates for the Kraków UniCollaboration conference:

· 4 September 2017: call for papers opens

· 15 December 2017: deadline for abstract submission

· 31 January 2018: notification of acceptance; early-bird registration opens

· 28 February 2018: early-bird registration deadline

· 31 March 2018: final registration deadline

· 25-27 April: the conference

Should you have any inquiries, please contact us at: krakow2018 at unicollaboration.org

We hope to see you in Krakow

Academic committee:

Melinda Dooly

Sarah Guth

Mirjam Hauck

Francesca Helm

Sake Jager

Małgorzata Kurek

Tim Lewis

Andreas Müller-Hartmann

Elke Nissen

Robert O’Dowd

Breffni O’Rourke

Steve Thorne


Anna Turula (programme chair)

Joanna Pitura (secretary)

Ewa Zarzycka-Piskorz

Łukasz Olesiak

Emanuel Studnicki

Mariusz Marczak (Jagiellonian University)

Hosting institution:

Pedagogical University, Krakow, Poland


Technology Enhanced Language Education Dept.


Shannon Sauro, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Past President, Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO)
Department of Culture, Languages & Media, Malmö University
Malmö högskola | Lärande och samhälle | 205 06 Malmö | Sweden
@Academia.edu<https://mah.academia.edu/ShannonSauro> | @Slideshare<http://www.slideshare.net/Shansauro> | @Twitter <https://twitter.com/shansauro> | @Web<http://ssauro.info>

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