[Edling] [Lgpolicy] Share Your Memories of Bernard Spolsky

Jeffrey Leo Kallen via Edling edling at lists.mail.umbc.edu
Wed Aug 24 14:00:17 UTC 2022

Dear colleagues,

In addition to the many voices which testify to Bernard Spolsky's academic prowess and substantial contributions to a wide range of fields, I would like to share this memory which (like others) also testify to his deep humanity and kindness.

I first met Bernard in 1994, when he came to Dublin in connection with a meeting of the AILA Executive Board and Council, to which was attached an applied linguistics conference on 'language and society in a changing world'. After one of the business meetings, it fell to me to be the designated driver to take him to his bed and breakfast, which was in a part of Dublin that is near the Jewish primary and secondary school. I had only recently learned to drive and had bought my first car, so when I say 'it fell to me', the truth was that I was very keen to show off my driving skills and to take this distinguished scholar to give him a brief glimpse of the historical Jewish area of Dublin (nicknamed 'Little Jerusalem' in its heyday in the late 19th and first part of the 20th century). It was a beautiful, warm, sunny June evening. We set off in the right direction, and I was able to point out some of the salient points of interest – most of the old Jewish community has moved away, but I think I was able to convey something of the history and current Jewish life in Dublin. And it was a lovely evening. BUT the precise location of the bed and breakfast was on a street that I did not know. This was of course before Google maps or GPS, and my own paper map was hard to read. I drove around without knowing exactly where I was going, trying to point out anything of interest, and apologising all the while. I went around and around. He was so gentle and so kind about this mixed-up mission of mine! He genuinely seemed to enjoy this impromptu tour of Dublin, and was ever so reassuring. As the sun started to set, we eventually got there, and he graciously thanked me for the tour and lift. If anyone ever embodied the notion of a 'gentleman and a scholar', that was Bernard. Of course our paths crossed a few more times over the years, but I will never forget our Dublin odyssey. May his memory be a blessing.

Best wishes,


Jeffrey L. Kallen
Fellow Emeritus and Visiting Research Fellow
Centre for Language and Communication Studies
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin 2

From: Lgpolicy <lgpolicy-bounces at lists.mail.umbc.edu> on behalf of "Francis M. Hult via Lgpolicy" <lgpolicy at lists.mail.umbc.edu>
Reply to: "lgpolicy at lists.mail.umbc.edu" <lgpolicy at lists.mail.umbc.edu>
Date: Sunday 21 August 2022 at 17:16
To: "lgpolicy at lists.mail.umbc.edu" <lgpolicy at lists.mail.umbc.edu>, Educational Linguistics List <edling at lists.mail.umbc.edu>
Cc: "Francis M. Hult" <fmhult at umbc.edu>
Subject: [Lgpolicy] Share Your Memories of Bernard Spolsky

Dear Colleagues,

Professor Bernard Spolsky meant so much to many of us as a scholar, friend, and mentor.  He founded the field of educational linguistics, and he was a pioneer in the field of language policy.  As moderator of the Edling and Lgpolicy listservs, I invite list members to share their favorite memories of Bernard as a tribute to him.  I am cross-posting for those who are not on both lists.


Francis M. Hult, PhD, FRGS | Professor
Department of Education
University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)

Editor, Educational Linguistics Book Series<https://www.springer.com/series/5894>
Co-Editor, Contributions to the Sociology of Language Book Series<https://www.degruyter.com/view/serial/16644>

Web Profile<https://education.umbc.edu/faculty-list/francis-m-hult/> | Academia.edu<http://umbc.academia.edu/FrancisMHult> | Google Scholar<https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=2x7pOMwAAAAJ&h> | TESOL at UMBC<http://tesol.umbc.edu/>

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