MITWPL Papers on Endangered Languages

Rob Pensalfini rjpensal at MIT.EDU
Tue Dec 31 14:32:49 UTC 1996

MIT Working Papers in Linguistics is pleased to announce the publication of
its 28th volume of Working Papers, "Papers on Language Endangerment and the
Maintenance of Linguistic Diversity". This volume, edited by Jonathan David
Bobaljik, Rob Pensalfini, and Luciana Storto, grew out of a workshop series
held at MIT in January 1995. The workshop placed a particular emphasis on
the thorny question of 'what works in language maintenance?', and in
addition to papers presented at the workshop the editors have collected
papers from other authors recommended by presenters and a preliminary
bibliography drawn from the extensive bibliographies provided by members of
this list.

The contents of the volume are:
       Introduction (general questions of endangerment and survival)
                                       - Jonathan Bobaljik & Rob Pensalfini
				               Can Senior Secondary Studies
       Help to Maintain and Strengthen
                       Australia's Indigenous Languages ?
		                                       - Antonio Mercurio and
       Rob Amery
               The Ulwa language wakes up
	                                       - Thomas Green
					               A report on language
       endangerment in Brazil
                                       - Luciana Storto
				               Modern Irish: A Case Study in
       Language Revival Failure
                                       - Andrew Carnie
				               Explaining and Reversing the
       Failure of the Irish Language Revival
                                       - Peter Slomanson
				               Universal grammar and the roots
       of linguistic diversity
                                       - Ken Hale
				               Language Endangerment & the
       Non-indigenous Minority Languages
                       in the UK
		                                       - Mahendra K. Verma
       Statment: the need for the documentation of linguistic diversity
                                       - Linguistic Society of America
				               A Preliminary Bibliography on
       Language Endangerment and Preservation
                                       - Jonathan Bobaljik, Rob Pensalfini &
				       Luciana Storto

The volume costs US$12 (+postage/handling of $2-$3 surface, $5-$12 air) and
can be ordered from MIT Working Papers in linguistics by writing to them at
MITWPL, MIT Room 20D-219, Cambridge MA02139, USA or by sending email to

Constributors to the volume will be receiving their complimentary copies in
the mail real soon now.



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