ELL: have contact address at Transparent

Jeff ALLEN jeff at elda.fr
Fri Apr 2 10:52:31 UTC 1999

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Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 12:52:31 +0200
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From: Jeff ALLEN <jeff at elda.fr>
Subject: ELL: have contact address at Transparent
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At 21:58 01/04/99 -0500, David Harris wrote:
>Actually, I didn't. Mostly because I never heard a thing back from them when
>I originally wrote them congratulating them on their willingness to provide
>the templates and asking for further information about how I could
>participate. If you agree with my assessment, though, feel free to pass it
>on to them. Judging from the general lack of interest among the people on
>this list, I really think they're gonna have to re-think their plan or it
>won't go anywhere at all.


Please send me your list of feedback and questions that you sent to
Someone just sent me the direct e-mail address for their
Director of Sales in North America.

I would be more than willing to write up a short paragraph to say that
I follow the ELL list discussion and that the Endangered Languages
Project at Transparent has produced a lively debate on the list.
I will ask him to respond to you as soon as possible. I will cc: you
on the message to him, and will ask him to reply to you and to
cc: me on the reply.  The answer(s) can then be posted to ELL.


Jeff ALLEN - Directeur Technique
European Language Resources Association (ELRA)  &
European Language resources Distribution Agency (ELDA)
(Agence Europ.enne de Distribution des Ressources Linguistiques)
55, rue Brillat-Savarin
75013   Paris   FRANCE
Tel: (+33) - Fax: (+33)
mailto:jeff at elda.fr
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