ELL: On software for Basque and other lgs ("support")

Marion Gunn mgunn at ucd.ie
Tue Jul 13 10:08:27 UTC 1999

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 Subject: Re: ELL: On software for Basque and other lgs ("support")
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 Scr.obh Trond Trosterud <Trond.Trosterud at hum.uit.no>:

>Seen in this perspective the question of who paid for what is subordinate.
>All other  lgs with small or poor user communities should be glad for the
>achievements of Basque and Icelandic this spring. I would like to see some
>concrete discussion on this list as to #how# this was achieved, and #how#

So would I.

>more lgs could be provided with software of different kinds.
>Trond Trosterud

Marion Gunn <mgunn at ucd.ie>

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