ELL: Re: UNESCO/ICSU and biocultural diversity

Prof. Anil Gupta anilg at IIMAHD.ERNET.IN
Tue Nov 30 08:50:25 UTC 1999

I am quite happy to learn about the exchange on indigenous knowledge and
modern science

I am sure many people must have made tremendous contribution to this
cause towards which many people other than all of us involved in thsi
exchange have made much larger contribution in past

but that is not important, what is important is that we identify good
examples where nridges have been built between ifnromal and formal

i will appreciate soem input on this


Luisa Maffi wrote:
> David, thank you so much for this important piece of news. Brent was my own
> doctoral advisor at Berkeley, therefore I do know how much he cares about
> these matters. I didn't know, though, that he participated in the Budapest
> conference. We all definitely owe him a huge debt for having managed
> inclusion of concerns about traditional knowledge and languages in the
> final document. I am taking the liberty of forwarding this correspondence
> to the electronic lists to which I sent my original message. Brent deserves
> much broader recognition than just this exchange b/w you and me! Best,
> Luisa Maffi
> >Ms. Maffi,
> >Thankyou for the updates. Regarding the publication to come out of the
> >meeting in Budapest; I just wanted to point out that Dr. O. Brent Berlin
> >(my doctoral advisor) was instrumental in pushing through the language you
> >refer to. I spoke with him the day before he left Chiapas for Budapest,
> >and the day after he returned. He told me that it was his goal in
> >attending the meeting to bring indigenous science to the attention of
> >"mainstream" science (not just anthropology or linguistics, but other
> >disciplines as well), which he evidently achieved. I hasten to point out
> >his contribution because I know that it was difficult for him to attend
> >that meeting, and yet he felt strongly about his goal. Hence, he deserves
> >recognition.
> >Sincerely,
> >David G. Casagrande
> >
> >http://www.arches.uga.edu/~bighouse
> >Univ. of Georgia
> >Dept. of Anthropology
> >Baldwin Hall
> >Athens, GA 30602-1619
> >tel: 706-542-3980
> >fax: 706-542-3998
> ********************************************************************
> Luisa Maffi (Dr.) - Northwestern University - Program in Cognitive
> Studies of the Environment - Dept. of Psychology - 102 Swift Hall -
> 2029 Sheridan Road - Evanston, IL 60208-2710 - USA
> Phone: +1.847.4676513 - Fax: +1.847.4917859 - Email: maffi at nwu.edu
> ********************************************************************

Prof Anil K Gupta
Professor, Indian Institute of Management
Ahmedabad 380015, India
Coordinator SRISTI and Editor, Honey Bee
anilg at iimahd.ernet.in

fax 91 79 6427896
phone (o) 91 79 6407241

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