ELL: l'arbre croche and odaw

Marion Gunn mgunn at UCD.IE
Thu Jun 15 12:22:40 UTC 2000

Best site I know, Greg, is <http://nativenet.uthscsa.edu/archive/>. It
would be well worth your while to sift through that archive and then
contact some of the people whose work is mentioned there, to ask them if
they would like to tell you how they are doing now.
With best wishes,

>... I am interested
>in the indigenous languages of Michigan and ALL indigenous languages
>of the US and Canada, most of which are totally ignored.  The Biloxi
>language of Mississippi died out, I am told, during the period the
>single dissertation on the language was being published.  There seems
>to be some cursory interest in the AmerIndian languiages of the
>western US; word lists or phrase books on Navajo, Hopi, Apache etc
>surface from time to time at "Trading Posts" that cater to tourists,
>but of the languages in the Central and Eastern US there is next to
>total silence.
>     I wrote a letter to the State of Florida asking about language
>resources and statistics for the Seminole and Miccosukkee languages
>of Florida, to which I never received a reply.  I overheard some
>Miccosukkee (I PRESUME it was, that is) being spoken at the Indian-run
>gambling establishment west of Miami between two elderly men, but the
>young men and women were communiating in ordinary English.  Like you,
>I wondered if the language was surviving or moribund.  I have never
>heard a spoken word of Seminole in my lifetime despite living in
>Florida for over thirty years.
>     Greg Charlton
>     Miramar FL 33025

Marion Gunn <mgunn at ucd.ie>

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