ELL: Now Available: Observations on the Mahican Language (1788)

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Tue Jul 30 13:07:47 UTC 2002

Evolution Publishing is pleased to announce publication of the following
volume from the American Language Reprint (ALR) series:

Volume 25:

Observations on the Mahican Language
Jonathan Edwards, 1788

"Perhaps the most significant grammar of a North American language published
in the eighteenth century was a sketch of Mahican by Jonathan Edwards, Jr.,
who as the son of a missionary grew up at Stockbridge with a native speaker's
command of the language."
--Ives Goddard in "The Description of the Native Languages of North America
before Boas," Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 17, pg. 23.

One of the most interesting linguistic records from the 1700s is Jonathan
Edwards' "Observations on the Language of the Muhhekaneew Indians" (1788),
recorded in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. While not a complete grammatical
treatment of Mahican, his text is one of the best works of the era, as it was
compiled by an individual who spoke the language fluently, and took the
additional step of having the text approved by members of the tribe. This new
edition reprints the original book in full, and also features separate
bidirectional Mahican-English and English-Mahican indexes for the
approximately 150 Mahican words cited.

July 2002 ~ 47 pp. ~ clothbound ~ ISBN 1-889758-23-X ~ $28.00

Evolution Publishing is dedicated to preserving and consolidating early
primary source records of native and early colonial America with the goal of
making them more accessible and readily available to the academic community
and the public at large.

For further information on this and other titles in the ALR series:


Evolution Publishing
evolpub at aol.com
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