Random location

Francisco Tornay ftornay at ugr.es
Tue Nov 12 16:23:46 UTC 2002

At 08:37 12/11/02 -0500, you wrote:
>The easiest way to do this is to use a Slide object and create 5
>different tabs on the Slide and name them up, down, left, right, centre.
>Add an image on each tab of the Slide at the desired position (i.e. that
>matches up with the name).  You then create an attribute on your list
>(e.g. Position) and set its values to up, down, left, right, centre.
>Set the ActiveState property of the Slide to "[Position]" to have the
>Slide choose which tab to show at runtime.

Another solution:
Go to the frame tab in the properties page of your imagedisplay object.

Change the width and height properties so that they match the width and
height of your images.

Then change the X and Y properties to appropriate attributes. For instance
you may write [XPosition] in the X property and [YPosition] in the Y property.

Then go to your list object and set up the two attributes XPosition and
YPosition. For instance you may have the following list:

XPosition       YPosition       Location
50%             50%             Center
25%             50%             Left
75%             50%             Right
50%             25%             Up
50%             75%             Down

We have done something similar (with textdisplay objects) in order to
program a costs and benefits paradigm.

Feel free to ask for more information if necessary.

Hope this helps.

Francisco Tornay

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