display object

Susan Campbell susanc at andrew.cmu.edu
Fri Jan 10 19:03:07 UTC 2003

I've tried to replicate your problem, and I failed.  I put "HOUSE" in a
TextDisplay, then "TABLE" in another TextDisplay afterward (in the format
<return><return>TABLE) with its background style set to "Transparent".  Is
there something in your experiment that is different from this?  Mine
didn't move or superimpose themselves, though I noticed that my two
returns averaged to "TABLE" being directly below "HOUSE" instead of there
being a gap between them.

Another possibility would be to use two Slides and set the words so the
text boxes that contain them do not overlap at all.

I'm using E-Prime 1.1 under Windows XP, in case that makes a difference.

Hope this helps,
Susan Campbell
STEP Project, Carnegie Mellon

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