2 paradigm questions

Rachel Mitchell r.l.c.mitchell at reading.ac.uk
Wed Jul 2 13:56:49 UTC 2003

I'm a new e-prime user (only got it this week) so apologies for lasking what
may be stupid questions

There are 2 things I need to do, but can't figure out how to achieve them

I plan to play sound files in an e-prime experiment
At the moment, my stimuli are arranged in subfolders according to type. I
have 4 such folders, let's call them type1 through to 4. Each subfolder
contains a bank of some 70 exemplars of that type of stimuli

In the first block of my expt I want e-prime to randomly present 20 of my
auditory stimuli. However, I want to make sure that equal numbers of each of
the 4 types of stimuli are selected
I have found out how to select 20 examples from a single folder of 70
stimuli, but not how to do what I outline above

Now for my 2nd problem. In block 1 subjects have to identify the tone of
voice the speaker is using
But in block 2 they have to identify the tone of voice the speaker used in
the previous sentence
And in block 3 they have to identify the tone of voice the speaker used in
the stimuli before the previous one.
For block 1, in my trial list I would have a column titled correct answer
and indicate in that column the correct answer for each of the bank of
But, since the order of stimuli is random in blocks 2 and 3, I don't know
what stimuli the computer will have presented previously. So for the
purposes of gathering accuracy data, how would could I indicate in the
correct answer column of blocks 2 and 3 what the tone of voice of the
previous or 2 previous stimuli was?

I hope I've outlined my problem clearly enough.
N-back tasks are fairly standard fodder, so I'm hoping one of you has had to
do this kind of thing before
I therefore thank you in anticipation of any help you might be able to give


Dr Rachel L. C. Mitchell
Lecturer in Cognitive Psychology, University of Reading
Honorary Research Fellow, Institute of Psychiatry

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