two tasks at the same time

Erin S. Rogers erin5 at
Tue May 6 21:51:08 UTC 2003


Has anyone ever programmed two streams of tasks to run at the same time in
Eprime?  We are going to be running a version of the mismatch negativity
task, where a sequence of checkerboard images will be flashing at the same
time a sequence of tones will be playing.  We cannot do this with Slide
images because the checkerboards and tones have different durations.  If
anyone can offer any assistance, it would be much appreciated.

Thank you,

Laboratory of Clinical Neuroscience
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford, CA 94305-5550
Office: (650) 493-5000 ext. 67349
Fax: (650) 493-4901

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