Problems playing Soundout object

Andrews, A.S. asa8 at
Fri Nov 14 15:42:31 UTC 2003

Dear All
I am having a problem using a soundout object - it won't play a sound if the filename isn't fixed. I am using E-Prime 1.1 SP3. 
I need to build the filename based on random numbers generated in every trial. So for example I can construct "sound5.wav" (minus the quotes) and I can store this in an attribute with c.setattrib "soundname", filename. (I have seen recommendations in previous posts to this list to do this.)
I have a Soundout object called SoundOut1 in 'Unreferenced E-Objects' and its filename property is set to [soundname]. I activate it with
I don't get any errors - just silence.
Please help!

Best Regards,

Tony Andrews
Senior Computer Officer
School of Psychology
University of Leicester
University Road
Leicester LE1 7RH
Tel: 0116 223 1709 Fax: 0116 252 2067
email: asa8 at 

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