sound and windows95

yoav Bar-Anan baranan at
Sun Feb 6 06:21:18 UTC 2005

Hi all,

I recently had to install an experiment on an old computer, which has window95 OS. It doesn't have access to the internet, or USB removable disks, and it even fail to read rewriteable CDs. I had to install e-prime through our original disk and develop the experiment on the computer.

The problem is that I fail to use sound in the experiment. the sound-out object kills the computer - it gets stuck and I have to restart the computer using its on/off switch. E-Prime support advised me to check the sound-driver and make sure it is up-to-date, but the computer's isolation makes it very difficult.

I tried to use the "Beep" command - the computer didn't get stuck, but it also didn't make a sound.

The computer's windows-media-player can play the "ding.wav" file, which I'm trying to play in e-prime.

Does anyone has an idea how I can solve this problem?

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