Edat to txt conversion?

Mike Lawrence Mike.Lawrence at Dal.Ca
Thu Jun 23 19:03:02 UTC 2005

Hi there,

I just recieved a large data set (288 files) from a researcher who uses
Eprime. I don't have eprime so of course I cannot read the edat format files.
Is there a tool somewhere that allows for batch conversion of edat files to
simple txt files?

I know Eprime has an internal conversion tool, but again, I don't have access to
this because I don't have Eprime. What's more, I've already bugged the
researcher who sent me the data enough, so I'm reluctant to ask him to convert
the files for me.

So I'm looking for a free, standalone, batch conversion tool and I'd be very
appreciative if anyone can point me in the right direction.


Mike Lawrence


Mike Lawrence
Research Assistant to Dr. Gail Eskes
Dalhousie University & QEII Health Sciences Centre (Psychiatry)

Mike.Lawrence at Dal.Ca

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Err and err and err again, but less and less and less."
- Piet Hein

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