processing eprime data

Georg Odenthal odenthal at
Fri Jun 24 00:24:56 UTC 2005


to be honest I usually never use the data files E-Prime creates
automatically. Since I work a lot with E-Basic to create special
questionnaires like open ended text input, text fields or variable
scales or animation I usually open a new textfile for writing and
then create an E-Basic code that puts all the data I need into this
file after each trial. I sometimes go back to the edat files to
double-check a timing issue or whether the response keys were coded
correctly, but most of the time I don't care much about the edat files.

A lot of the data I collect in my studies are variables that are
defined temporarily in an E-Basic code object. To get E-Prime to put
these variable out to the .edat file you need to add the attribute to
the current object and then update the value of the attribute every
time something in E-Basic or a response has changed this value. This
can be quite tedious.

Since I often write programs for other people the creation of an own
datafile is necessary. The people I write the programs for like it if
they can just open SPSS and then import a text file with one row for
each subject and X columns for the variables or the response data.
It's also more convenient for me, because then I don't have to
convert the edat files into something the researcher finds more useful.



Georg Odenthal, Dipl.-Psych.
Social Psychology and Motivation
Box D39
University of Konstanz
78457 Konstanz, Germany

Phone #: +49 7531 88-2872
Fax #: +49 7531 88-3286
Email: odenthal at


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