Nested, Discrimination Task

rachkingston at rachkingston at
Sun Apr 22 14:52:53 UTC 2007

I am using eprime to build a series of tasks related to the perception of emotional tones of voice from the presentation of sentences.
I am trying to build a discrimination task which asks the participant to listen to two consecutive sentences (sentence pairs) and then decide whether they are the 'same' or 'different'  in their emotional intonation. 
I am new to using eprime and have used the 'nested' method to do this. Below I have copied how my 'triallist' looks.
Weight    Procedure    Nested                       Stim1            Stim2
   1         TrialProc   HappyList, SadList      [Hsentence]  [Ssentence]
   2         TrialProc   HappyList                  [Hsentence]  [Hsentence]
   1         TrialProc   HappyList, NeutralList  [Hsentence]  [Nsentence]
   2         TrialProc   SadList                     [Ssentence]  [Ssentence]
   1         TrialProc   SadList, HappyList      [Ssentence]  [Hsentence]
   1         TrialProc   SadList, NeutralList     [Ssentence]  [Nsentence]
   1         TrialProc   NeutralList, SadList     [Nsentence]  [Ssentence]
   1         TrialProc   NeutralList, HappyList  [Nsentence]  [Hsentence]
   2         TrialProc   NeutralList                 [Nsentence]  [Nsentence]
The problem I am encountering is that when the participant is presented with pairs of 'same' sentences (in relation to emotional intonation), eprime is actually presenting the same sentence in relation to its content.
For example: The sad list is selected and two sentences with sad emotional tone are conveyed. The problem is that these sentences are both "The girl walked up the stairs" (i.e. same content). I am not sure how to set it up so that although both sentences are sad, eprime selects two different sad sentences (different content) from the list of sad sentences.
Many thanks
Rachel Kingston
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