64-bit XP for data collection?

Michael Crowley michael.crowley at yale.edu
Tue Jun 12 17:11:24 UTC 2007

Dear List,

In the eprime archive there was a post on Fri, 21 Oct 2005
from an Eprime rep said that:

Only experiment design and
testing should be attempted on Windows XP 64-bit
edition at this point.  E-Prime 1.2 is scheduled to
address installation issues on Windows XP 64, but
issues regarding timing, use of SRBOX and Port devices
will remain outstanding until reviewed.  Until that
time, it is not recommended that Windows XP 64 be used
for data collection.

Does anyone know any progress has been made with Windows XP 64 for  
data collection? (I see the eprime web says not approved yet)

Thank you for any info you can provide.

Mike Crowley

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