In line problems

De Brito, Stephane Stephane.DeBrito at
Wed Mar 21 17:07:18 UTC 2007

Hi Jim,
I have designed an experiment with 2 rest periods. I did the following: I created a trial counter which I declared in the User script  and wrote in a global inline at the begining of my experiment (gnTrial_Counter =0) In my trialproc timeline, I put an empty textdisplay object, which I called 'break'. I assigned it an infinite duration and the spacebar as allowable reponse in the object property. I put a Label after the 'break' textdisplay so that the textdisplay is skipped except on trial 120 and trial 240. Below is the script I used in my inline before the textdisplay object. Hope this helps. Get back to me if it's not clear.

gnTrial_Counter = gnTrial_Counter+1


if gnTrial_Counter = 120 then


            break.Text = "Have a break now" &_

                                                "\nPress the spacebar when you want to continue"

elseif gnTrial_Counter = 240 then

            break.Text = "Have a break now" &_

                                                "\nPress the spacebar when you want to continue"


            Goto Label1

 end if

Stephane De Brito, PhD student
Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London
Forensic Mental Health Science Department
Box P023
De Crespigny Park
Denmark Hill
London SE5 8AF
United Kingdom

Tel: + 44 (0) 20 7848 0711
Fax: + 44 (0) 20 7848 0754


From: eprime at on behalf of psp48d at
Sent: Wed 21/03/2007 16:41
To: eprime at
Subject: In line problems

Dear E-Prime Experts,

I have designed an experiment that has 196 trials, and I wanted to introduce a
text page after trial 98 offering a rest period to the participant. My problem
is twofold:

1)First of all I tried to get e-prime to keep track of what trial we are on by
referncing the "Block" attribute. I did this as follows:

Dim Trial
Trial=c.GetAttrib ("Block")

However, when running it, e-prime did not recognise block as an attribute. So I
tried to create my own:

Dim Trial as integer
Trial = Trial + 1

This also did not work.

2)Secondly, I placed the "rest" page in my trialproc timeline, and tried to get
e-prime to access it via an 'inline' at the end of the timeline:

If Trial = 98 then
        'referncing my textpage for the rest period
        'this last line is trying to get e-prime to revert to the beginning
        'of the trialproc timeline if the trial is not 98. This doesn't work
End if

How do I get e-prime to keep track of the trial number, and how do I introduce a
rest page if a certain trial number is satisfied?

Yours in confusion!

Jim Grange.
University of Wales, Bangor.

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