getting started with script

Susan G. Campbell scampbell at
Mon Apr 28 19:54:44 UTC 2008

I don't remember how good the manual is, though the E-Basic Help from within the program is useful, especially if you have a question that's specific to E-Prime, not to VBA (on which E-Basic is based) in general.   

I also found the O'Reilly book on VBA very useful when I was doing more E-Prime programming than I do now; the one I have is called VB & VBA in a Nutshell: The Language.  It's from 1998, but I don't think E-Basic has changed very much since then.  

For instance, I used that book when I needed to know how to specify colors that don't have names in E-Prime, since it could tell me how VBA represents colors (and the E-Basic Help was silent on the issue, as far as I could tell).  I imagine any book on VBA would do -- I just liked that one because it's got an alphabetical listing of the various components of the language; I wasn't interested in a tutorial, just a reference.

Hope this helps,

-----Original Message-----
From: e-prime at on behalf of David McFarlane
Sent: Mon 4/28/2008 2:40 PM
To: e-prime at
Subject: Re: getting started with script

At 4/27/2008 03:08 PM Sunday, you wrote:
>I have built quite a few experiments using the e-prime studio, and I
>have some basic understanding in writing script (with matlab at
>least). is there a file available with basic information regarding how
>to define integers, how to jump backward or forward in the experiment
>procedure etc?

So far as I know, you have exactly two resources:  (1) Chapter 4 of 
the E-Prime User's Guide (printed or .pdf)  (2) The online E-Basic help.

I don't know how useful the User's Guide is for this, I already knew 
a lot of programming principles before I started on E-Prime and I 
have mostly puzzled things out myself, but now that I've taken a 
glance at Chapter 4 I can see it might have saved me some work.  (I 
would be curious to get others' takes.)

I have found the online E-Basic help to be much more useful (in 
E-Studio, go to Help > E-Basic Help).  Even so, be warned that the 
online help is still incomplete (e.g., ), and in some 
cases just plain wrong (e.g., ).

Finally, E-Basic is really a dialect of Microsoft Visual Basic, so 
you might gain something from VB manuals.  Unfortunately, most of the 
VB manuals I find are geared toward explaining how to design GUI 
elements rather than how to write code, so I cannot recommend one, if 
someone else knows a good VB reference I would be glad to know it.

-- David McFarlane, Professional Faultfinder

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