Re-run practice trials inline problem

Dina deedeevau at
Wed Aug 6 16:31:30 UTC 2008

Dear E-primers,

At the moment, I'm programming a task with a practice block at the
start and which has to "re-run
until all correct". My triallist consists of: 4 levels, each level has
weight = 3, "CorrectAnswer" column and a "Correct" column containing 4

I used this in other tasks as well and it always worked well.
However, in this task, the programme crashes after I do the whole
On purpose I made mistakes and the programme should have let me
proceed to a text-object
stating I made a mistake and I have to try again and rerun the
practiceblock. Instead, it crashes and displays the following error

Run-time Error (Line 425) -999: Factor Error:
Level specified is not valid

My "Need-to-rerun" inline object looks like the following: (the error
seems to be in the part stating:
If TrialListPractice.GetAttrib(i, "Correct") = "0" Then
TrialListPractice.SetWeight i, 1)

' Examine the "Correct" attribute for all levels
' If Correct = 1, it was correct, so set weight to 0 (don't rerun)
' If Correct = 0, it was incorrect, so set weight to 1 to rerun

	If g_nErrorCount > 0 Then

	Dim i As Integer
	For i = 1 to g_nTotalLevels
	If TrialListPractice.GetAttrib(i, "Correct") = "0" Then
		TrialListPractice.SetWeight i, 1
	TrialListPractice.SetWeight i, 0
          End If
          Next i

'Reset TrialList with new values

'Reset g_nErrorCount to keep track of new errors
g_nErrorCount = 0

'No error trials to run
GoTo EndofBlock

End If

Does anybody have an idea of how I can solve this problem?
Many thanks!
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