Storing randomly assigned values over multiple sessions

Spencer S undressmerobot at
Wed Aug 6 20:59:52 UTC 2008

I currently have a paradigm which presents 100 pairs of words for 10
rounds, and the user responds if the correct answer is Word 1 or Word
2. The correct answer is randomly assigned during the first round, and
stored in E-Prime so that accuracy can be checked on the nine
subsequent rounds.

In other words, 50 pairs have Word 1 as the correct word, and 50 pairs
have Word 2 as the correct word. This is unknown before the first
round, but set in stone by the end of the first round (randomly
assigned by E-Prime). So, Round 1: E-Prime sets the CorrectAnswer.
Rounds 2-10: E-Prime checks user response against CorrectAnswer for

I am moving to 200 pairs, and will be splitting the experiment into
two days. Is there a way to have E-Prime somehow store the correct
answer information such that it can be read by the program on Day 2?
Right now I am opening the Edat file and manually copying and pasting
the CorrectAnswer column into a separate E-Prime file.

My guess is that E-Prime would have to write the correct answers to an
external file on Day 1, and read them from that file on Day 2. Is this
or something like this possible, or should I just set the correct
answers manually?
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