Stroop experiment, a number of issues to be resolved.

Ben Meyers benjamin.d.meyers at
Wed Jul 30 18:56:15 UTC 2008

2.  To accomplish this you will have to adjust the frame size for all
of your text displays and then create an image display (whose frame
does not overlap the text displays ) with the rectangle for the bar
graph feedback.  Alternatively, (and the easier option imo) is to draw
the rectangle in an inline.  You can lookup Canvas.Rectangle in the E-
Basic help for that.  You can handle the reaction time checks in
another inline as well with "StimDisplay.RT"

3.  I don't know if this is exactly what you require based upon your
description, but I wrote up a guide for my lab about creating simple
menus in E-Prime so you can access which parts of an experiment that
you want.  I've copied it for you below at the end of my message.

4.  If you add a counter as either a global variable which you can
then increment simply by putting in an InLine counter = counter + 1,
or as an attribute in a list which you can then increment by

counter = CInt(ListName.GetCurrentAttrib("counter"))
counter = counter + 1
ListName.SetAttrib "counter", Cstr(counter)

you can check if the counter has been incremented up to the total
number of training trials and if not

goto LabelAtTheEndOfTheProcedure

Place your feedback display between this inline and the label.

‘All this code can be copy/pasted into an E-Prime InLine script and
edited to get the
‘menu that you want
Dim Redo as Integer
Redo = 1

Do While Redo = 1  ‘Must be made a loop, or after E-Prime runs the
first procedure the
		         ‘experiment would automatically end

	Dim Menu as TextDisplay		‘You can change Menu to whatever you like
	Set Menu = New TextDisplay	‘and could presumably set up a sequence
						‘of menus with different names if desired

‘This section sets all the attributes of the menu, many of these can
be skipped with the
‘code    InitTextDisplayDefaults Menu   but all of these can be
altered if wanted

	Menu.AlignHorizontal = "left"	‘Horizontal alignment “left” “center”

	Menu.AlignVertical = "center"	‘Vertical alignment “top” “center”

	Menu.FontName = "Courier New"	‘Any of the font names E-Prime is

	Menu.FontBold = False		‘Bold is the default, this makes it not bold

	Menu.FontSize = "28"		‘Font size supplied as a string

	Menu.ForeColor = CColor("0,0,0")	‘This is the text color, can use
color names
						‘or RGB values, CColor converts it to Long

	Menu.BackColor = CColor("255,255,255")	‘Background color

	Menu.Duration = CLng("-1")		‘Sets how long the menu will appear on
						‘screen.  A –1 is an infinite duration.

	Menu.TimingMode = ebTimingModeEvent		‘Sets the timing mode:
	‘others allowed ebTimingModeCumulative and ebTimingModeCustom
	‘If custom is used CustomOnsetTime and CustomOffsetTime must be set

	Menu.PreRelease = 0		‘Sets prerelease time for the next object

	Menu.ClearAfter = True	‘Not clearing after is default, this clears
the screen
					‘when the menu is terminated

‘Set up the input mask for the menu, the required inputs are all comma
	Menu.InputMasks.Add Keyboard.CreateInputMask("1234", "",
CLng(Menu.Duration), CLng("1"), ebEndResponseActionTerminate, True,
"", "", "")

‘InputDevice.CreateInputMask (Allowable Response, Correct Response,
Time Limit,
‘Max Count, End Response Action, Flush Input Buffer, Termination
‘User Tag, Custom Options, Echo Clients, Reserved Object)
‘For more specific information about these attributes check the E-
Basic help

‘Sets the text to be displayed in the menu.  New lines are made with
	Menu.Text = "    1)  Procedure1\n    2)  Procedure2\n    3)
Procedure3\n    4)  Quit"

Menu.Run	‘Runs the menu with the attributes set above

‘This section selects the procedure to be run based upon the keyboard
input.  All
‘the procedures are found in a superior list and are each assigned a
Weight of 0.
‘The list will also have 1 row which called the procedure to create
the menu with a
‘Weight of 1.
	If CInt(Menu.RESP) = 1 Then
		Procedure1.Run c
	ElseIf CInt(Menu.RESP) = 2 Then
		Procedure2.Run c
	Elseif CInt(Menu.RESP) = 3 Then
		Procedure3.Run c
		Quit.Run c
		Redo = 0
	End If


On Jul 24, 10:53 pm, Psychologue <fahadahmad... at> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I am assisting a Master's student with a stroop experiment. I was able
> to set up the six training sessions with each consisting of three
> phases.There are also three conditions in terms of degree of feedback
> of performance.
> My questions which I need answered:
> 1.I would have to set up six blocks(or blocklists) representing the
> six training sessions?
> *2.However, In one condition(a seperate e-prime experiment) same setup
> in terms of training sessions and phases but with feedback(the
> Individualized and adaptive feedback condition). -"This condition has
> a bar graph that remains displayed throughout the entire training
> session and keeps track of current performance relative to the average
> of previous performance on the same type of trial (i.e. if the
> participant's reaction time on the third neutral trial is 1500ms and
> the average of the first two neutral trials is 900ms, the bar graph
> for neutral trials should increase in size and turn red)". How would I
> code this in E-Prime?*
> 3.There are six training sessions in total. So there are  six blocks
> in the Stroop experiment. Training session 1(contains acquisition
> phase,practice phase and test phase), Training session 2(contains
> acquisition, practice and test phase) , and so on (same thing).
> My question is if the the participant is doing ONLY Training session
> 2, how to run only that particular training session or the particular
> block of code or block in the stroop experiment?Do you have to code in
> the visual basic script to tell E-Prime to only run that particular
> session? I don't know how to do this.
> 4. If I want summary feedback which displays the subjects average
> response time and the average percent correct at the very end of the
> testing phase for a training session.
> How would I do this. The feedback display would be only displayed at
> the end of the testing phase, and display average response time and
> average response times of subjects performance on all the trials in
> the testing phase. There should be no feedback displays in between
> trials.
> Any Help is much appreciated
> Thank you
> Fahad
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