Randomization of sounds in a memory task

David K McFarlane mcfarla9 at msu.edu
Tue May 13 03:15:18 UTC 2008


> I should presente a sequence of random sounds at participant and 2
> secondes after, the same sequence should be presented

I cannot give specifics,  but in general, E-Prime is not very good about
remembering or repeating the past.  So I think repeating the same random
sequence will require some advanced script techniques. 

You might try List.GetPrevAttrib() -- look at the List topic in the E-Basic
online help. 

Alternatively, you might try creating an array to store the random sequence
for playback later.  Or maybe there is a clever way to do this with a
nested list and colon syntax.  Or, you could just build the presentation
list entirely in script (I did this for one experiment that had special
randomization requirements). 

But these are all advanced techniques, so I cannot give details.  Perhaps
someone else can show us a simpler way to do this. 

 -- David McFarlane, Professional Faultfinder 

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