Recording clicks

neo82087 Jacob.Zweig at
Sun Nov 2 18:10:46 UTC 2008

Hi, we're trying to create a program that records the number of clicks
on a task and saves this information. Our program is giving some
strange values that are not accurate. So far, we initialize nbClick =
0 and then use the script:

if (Mouse.Buttons AND ebMouseButton1) then
		nbClick = nbClick+1		'incrémente le nombre de click
		'Trouve les coordonné de la souris
		Mouse.GetCursorPos ptClick.x, ptClick.y
		sleep (1000/c.getattrib("Display.RefreshRate"))
	end if

then at the end of the script we have: c.setattrib "nbClick", nbClick

If anyone has any input of information of why this is not working, or
if there is a better method to do this, I would really appreciate it.

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