Recording Real Time Responses

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at
Wed Oct 15 14:44:17 UTC 2008

Speechy wrote:
> Is there a way that I can record participants' responses and their RTs
> while the subject is performing the task without sitting right beside
> them and without them seeing any type of feedback on accuracy or RT?
> For example, is there a way that the participant can complete a task
> on one computer (without any visual feedback) but I can see his/her
> responses and the RT for each trial on a different monitor in real
> time?

Oh, for the record, E-Prime 1.x could also do something this, coupled 
with a system called IFIS.  To be fair, that required two computers 
connected by ethernet, or (in an earlier version) one computer running 
some specialized server software.  E-Prime handed the data off to the 
server, which then presented it to a separate client program for 
presentation to the experimenter on a second screen.  So in principle, 
yes, with sufficient engineering, E-Prime, coupled with external 
software, can do what you ask.  But I still wonder if it is worth the 

-- David McFarlane, Professional Faultfinder

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