Recording Real Time Responses

David Vinson d.vinson at
Wed Oct 15 15:08:39 UTC 2008

> Speechy wrote:
>> Is there a way that I can record participants' responses and their RTs
>> while the subject is performing the task without sitting right beside
>> them and without them seeing any type of feedback on accuracy or RT?
>> For example, is there a way that the participant can complete a task
>> on one computer (without any visual feedback) but I can see his/her
>> responses and the RT for each trial on a different monitor in real
>> time?

It was once possible (v.1) to do this on a single machine using the debug
window displayed on a second monitor. Inline code could be used to display
relevant content to the debug window (Debug.Print as I vaguely recall),
e.g. displaying the correct answer so the experimenter could see it.

I used this on a few occasions where I wanted to do some real-time scoring
of spoken responses, where offline scoring would not have been sufficient,
e.g. signaling that speech errors of certain kinds had occurred and
therefore a trial must be repeated later.  The subject had the button box
and microphone (for voice relay) and I had a keyboard to signal "error"
during an intertrial period, unbeknownst to the subject.

I too am not sure why you would want to verify accuracy and RT by hand!


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