Multiple Choice Testing

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at
Mon Sep 8 19:11:57 UTC 2008


>Hello. I am trying to create an experiment that uses different forms
>of testing. Subjects will read a passage on paper, and then take a
>test over the passage. There are 8 questions for the passage. We need
>to create (for one condition) a multiple choice test where the
>questions are counterbalanced for order, and the 5 choices (including
>the correct answer) are counterbalanced for order. For another
>condition, we need the subjects to first take a short answer test
>where they type in their answers, and then take a multiple choice test
>the same as above, all in one program. We would like the choices to
>all be counterbalanced for order in the multiple choice section. In
>addition, we would like the questions counterbalanced for order for
>each subject in both the recall and the multiple choice section, but
>for each subject both sections need to be in the same order. In other
>words, whatever order the computer chooses for the subject in the
>first section, we need it to again choose the same order in the second
>section. Is this possible to do in E-prime?

Just a few general thoughts...  If I had to "freeze" the random order 
of a list, I might start with putting my items in a list under 
Unreferenced E-Objects, and set the list selection to random.  Then, 
in script, I would create my real list by using list methods such as 
List.AddLevel, etc. (see the online E-Basic Help), and I would set 
the selection on my real list to sequential.  Then I could use my 
real list with the same "random" order each time.

(One warning, List.AddAttrib never got documented (see 
), to figure that one out I had to make a dummy list in E-Studio, set 
its Load Method to Script, and look at the generated script.)

This is all pretty heavy going, so maybe somebody else has a better 
solution.  I also wonder if something like MediaLab might be a better 
match for your task, though I do not know how that would handle your 

-- David McFarlane, Professional Faultfinder

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