Multiple Choice Testing

Matt Lenhart mplenhart at
Tue Sep 9 18:09:46 UTC 2008

Hi Megan,

I have replied to your official PST support request with the same
question. In general, my recommendation is to look into the
Permutation selection method of the List object (section 2.5.3 of the
E-Prime User's Guide). This creates a unique combination of trials/
samples for each subject based on their subject number. Because you
only have 8 questions and 5 choices, you will not be taxing the system
to create these combinations (e.g., if you have 500 samples, this
would obviously require massive calculations on E-Prime's part). You
can thus create a TrialList with your 8 questions, have E-Prime create
the permutations, and then nest a List object for each question. The
nested List will contain the 5 possible choices, and will also create
an assign permutations.

If you have any questions related to my official response, you can
reply within the support thread.

- Matt
PST Technical Consultant

On Sep 5, 12:23 pm, "Meg.Smith" <meg.smith... at> wrote:
> Hello. I am trying to create an experiment that uses different forms
> of testing. Subjects will read a passage on paper, and then take a
> test over the passage. There are 8 questions for the passage. We need
> to create (for one condition) a multiple choice test where the
> questions are counterbalanced for order, and the 5 choices (including
> the correct answer) are counterbalanced for order. For another
> condition, we need the subjects to first take a short answer test
> where they type in their answers, and then take a multiple choice test
> the same as above, all in one program. We would like the choices to
> all be counterbalanced for order in the multiple choice section. In
> addition, we would like the questions counterbalanced for order for
> each subject in both the recall and the multiple choice section, but
> for each subject both sections need to be in the same order. In other
> words, whatever order the computer chooses for the subject in the
> first section, we need it to again choose the same order in the second
> section. Is this possible to do in E-prime?
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