repeat one of the sample of items

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at
Fri Sep 19 14:29:52 UTC 2008


I gave your problem some more thought last night (once my mind 
latches on to one of these little puzzles it's hard to let it 
go).  Now I do not think that your goal is quite so impossible, and 
at the risk of boring others on the list I will give you my latest thoughts.

I would try putting a bit of script at the beginning and the end of 
your trial procedure.  At the end I would use a bit of script just to 
set a "flag" if I wanted to return to the previous list item.  In the 
beginning of the trial procedure I would use some script to check 
this flag -- for the sake of discussion, let's call the current trial 
"trial B", and the previous one "trial A".  If the flag were set then 
I would use List.GetPrevAttrib or whatever to set all the attributes 
back to the values from trial A, and then run the trial.  Now, I do 
not know if the list would then automatically return to trial B and 
continue from there, so that may be a problem.

There remains the problem of changing the number of trials during the 
list.  For that I would just set the list properties to exit after 
some large number of trials (say, 10,000 cycles).  Then my script at 
the end of the trial procedure would take care of figuring out when 
to end the list, and then end the list from script with List.Terminate.

Oh, you might also look at the "Rerun Error Trials Until All Correct" 
sample at (requires 
login).  From the description this does not do exactly what you want, 
as I think it defers rerunning the trials until it has finished the 
first run of all the trials, but it might give you some ideas.

I will be very interested if you make this work, so please write back 
and let us know how this turns out!

-- David McFarlane, Professional Faultfinder

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