Setting SlideImage filenames in an infile command

liwenna liwenna at
Wed Jul 1 19:36:12 UTC 2009

Ok.. this is not what your asking for but I think it will solve your

You have a slideobject that has 3 imageobjects in it... right? Let's
call them imageboject A, B and C.
You also have a list that contains all the picture filenames which are
right now sorted as correct, related lure and unrelated lure, and your
three imageobjects A B and C call into these images trough
attributereferencing. Now, each of the imageobjects A B and C has in
it's properties a value for its x and y position. In the same way as
you use attributereferencing to collect the images, you can also have
the imageobjects collect they x and y position values. Simply nest
another list that has all the possible combinations for x and y for
all the possible positions for A B and C. I.e. 6 variables called xA,
yA, xB, yB, xC, Yc and then every row is a different arrangement of A
B and C. Nest this list and make the three imageobjects refer to [xA],
[yA], etc. Then lastly to solve your 'correct response' problem, this
can also be sorted trough attribute referening. Lets assume that
imageobject A will always show the correct image then in the
'positionslist' you can add an attribute which value is the answer
that refers to the position of the correct image (at least I assume
that subject will answer with a single press that refers to the
position of their desired answer?). You can call this attribute cresp
or something the like and again attributereference it in the correct
response-property by [cresp].

If I understood your problem correctly than the above will solve it...
if I did not understand correctly it might still inspire you ^.^

Best regards,


On Jun 30, 10:34 pm, Adam Osth <adamo... at> wrote:
> I need to program a quiz in which three pictures are presented on a slide:
> one being the correct answer, one being a related lure (physically similar
> to the correct answer), one being an unrelated lure (dissimilar to the
> correct answer).
> It needs to have 15 or so questions that are randomly selected from a larger
> pool of around 50.
> I have a nested list that contains each of the picture filenames - one
> attribute for the correct answer, one for the related lure, one for the
> unrelated lure. I was thinking I could just use attribute referencing for
> the filenames, which would work, but the problem would be that the correct
> answer would ALWAYS be the same picture on the screen. That is, if I
> designated the left of the three images as the correct answer, the subject
> could deduce that the left image is correct every time.
> So I need an infile command preceding the slide that designates which image
> has which filename. It starts with a random number selection, like this:
> Randomize
> Dim ordernumber As Integer
> ordernumber = Random(0, 5)
> ...with six total possibilities to account for the six possible orders of
> the three images. Then, if statements would delegate which image is which.
> *My question is* - how exactly in eBasic can I designate a slide image's
> filename? I found this in the eBasic code helpfile:
> SlideImage Object (topic)
>     Set theImage = CSlideImage(SlideName.States(_
>                     SlideName.ActiveState).Objects("ImageName"))
> But I couldn't figure out how to change the filename.
> Any help would be appreciated!
> Thanks!
> Adam
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