Setting SlideImage filenames in an infile command

Adam Osth adamosth at
Tue Jun 30 20:34:38 UTC 2009

I need to program a quiz in which three pictures are presented on a slide:
one being the correct answer, one being a related lure (physically similar
to the correct answer), one being an unrelated lure (dissimilar to the
correct answer).

It needs to have 15 or so questions that are randomly selected from a larger
pool of around 50.

I have a nested list that contains each of the picture filenames - one
attribute for the correct answer, one for the related lure, one for the
unrelated lure. I was thinking I could just use attribute referencing for
the filenames, which would work, but the problem would be that the correct
answer would ALWAYS be the same picture on the screen. That is, if I
designated the left of the three images as the correct answer, the subject
could deduce that the left image is correct every time.

So I need an infile command preceding the slide that designates which image
has which filename. It starts with a random number selection, like this:

Dim ordernumber As Integer
ordernumber = Random(0, 5)

...with six total possibilities to account for the six possible orders of
the three images. Then, if statements would delegate which image is which.

*My question is* - how exactly in eBasic can I designate a slide image's
filename? I found this in the eBasic code helpfile:

SlideImage Object (topic)

    Set theImage = CSlideImage(SlideName.States(_


But I couldn't figure out how to change the filename.

Any help would be appreciated!



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