random traffic lights, but after a yellow light comes a red light

A. de Ruijter lonkeknol at gmail.com
Mon Mar 30 08:34:55 UTC 2009

I hope someone can help me with the following situation: I'm emulating
a traffic light with red (r.jpg), yellow (y.jpg) and green (g.jpg)
circles that appear randomly in three different location. For each
location I've created an attribute, namely lightlow, lightabove and
lightright. Now I want to write a script that causes a yellow light to
always be followed by a red one. Other than that, I want everything to
be random.

So the logic as far as I get the logic is:

IF lightlow OR lightabove OR lightright = y.bmp THEN (in the next
randomly select in lightlow OR lightabove OR lightright = r.bmp

Like you can see this is not VB so I was hoping someone who does
understand the language can help me with the code. Thanks a bunch
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