How to manage List Objects with changing Sizes, and how to make No Response be the Correct Response?

ben robinson baltimore.ben at
Sat Oct 3 02:24:29 UTC 2009

in answer to your first question:i suspect the reason you find previously
run trials interfering with future trials is because you're reseting your
list with each trial you run, because you're generating your random trial
information during each trial rather than at the start of the block... if
you do all the randomization before starting the *block*, rather than before
each trial, you should be able to List.SetAttrib all that randomized
information and then a single List.Reset to ensure your updates take effect,
then start the block.

for the second question, you could also use an inline to reassign accuracy:
If object.RESP = "" Then object.ACC = 1
or you could ignore the object.ACC information, and create your own column
in the list that runs the trials:
If object.RESP = "" Then c.SetAttrib "myACC", 1

hope that's helpful.


On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 3:35 PM, UOMotorControl <uomotorcontrol at>wrote:

> Hey E-Basic Senseis,
>  Long time listener, first time poster.  At the moment, I'm working
> on a paradigm in E-Prime 1.2 that has a couple of quirks that are
> escaping my ability to figure out using the .chm documents.
> The first - The paradigm consists of two types of trials, each
> repeated 12 times.  Each one of these trials has a random number of
> stimuli (between 10 and 12).  I had been trying to use inline code to
> generate all the randomness of each of the stimuli, and then add then
> to the List object for a given trial type.  What is escaping me is how
> to delete those list levels I just used in order to prevent them from
> interfering with future trials.
> The second -  Each one of these trials essentially involves a subject
> clicking every time they see a 'O', and then not responding when they
> see a 'X'.  As such, the correct response to the 'X' is no response.
> I tried used the property 'EbNoResponseAsCorrect' as the correct
> response in this case, but in testing, not responding was still given
> as an incorrect response.  Any clues as how to best accomplish this?
> Many thanks for your assistance,
> Wayne Manselle
> Motor Control and Cognition Laboratory
> University of Oregon
> >

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