combining 3 eprime files into 1 file - or a work around???

yohans yohans at
Tue Oct 27 20:54:25 UTC 2009

   I have 3 separate eprime 1.2 files that each have a different
cognitive task inside of them.  I now want to give participants all 3
tasks in one session and to have them properly counterbalanced.
Ideally, I could copy and paste these 3 files together so they could
all be set up to run at the start (instead of bringing up and running
a new eprime script for each task).  Doing so would also allow me to
add a script that would enable the counterbalancing to be easily
engaged at the very start of the experiment (e.g. the experimenter
could press "1" for counterbalancing order 1 (e.g. task A -> B -> C),
"2" for counterbalancing order 2 (e.g. task B -> A -> C), etc.).
Having the program set up in a such a way would minimize error,
experimenter-participant interaction, wasted time, and make it more
simple for my research assistants to run.
   However, it is not possible to copy and past one eprime 1.2 file
into another one.  So one highly time consuming option is to slowly
remake 2 of the tasks inside the eprime file of the 3rd task.  Then
they will all be in the same file and it would be easy to write a
counterbalancing script.
   Is there an easier way around this that does not involve my
research assistants having to pull up each eprime file separately?
    Can you make a master eprime file that calls up (or loads) other
eprime files at different junctures?  In other words, the main eprime
script would call up the eprime file for task A at time 1, then the
eprime file for task B at time 2, etc.
   Or any other work-around ideas?
   Thanks for any help!!
Best, Anson Whitmer
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