Selecting randomly which list object from one of 2 lists is shown on each position on a slide...

liwenna liwenna at
Tue Feb 2 11:04:17 UTC 2010

The positions of the images are determined by the x and y value of the
imageobjects. These are either pixels (i.e. x = 250 = 250th pixel from
the left side of the screen) or percentages (f.i 25% and 75%).
Create a 'positionslist' with two attributes 'posimage1' and
'posimage2' and put your current values of x in this list i.e level 1
posimage1= 25% and posimage2 = 75% and the other way around on the
second level. Randomize the list. Nest this somewhere into your
triallist (I would suggest to merge your current two lists into 1 list
again with two separate attributes for image1 and image2). Lastly tell
your imageobjects to get their x values from the attributes
[posimage1] and [posimage2].




On Feb 2, 11:50 am, LizaM <liza.mccar... at> wrote:
> Hello,
> In the experiment I am currently programming the student has 2 sets of
> images - a male face list and a female face list.  I have made these
> into 2 list objects.  I have created as slide object with 2 image
> displays on it and currently I have male faces displaying on the left
> and female on the right....  I want the EPrime file to randomly select
> whether the images are displayed male left, female right, or male
> right, female left so that we don't get an  effect from one set of
> images always being on the one side - how can I achieve this???
> Many Thanks
> Liza

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