forward and backward priming

leylo dina.vujacic at
Fri Mar 26 19:46:57 UTC 2010

Hi folks…

First of all, I really need to say one more time, how thankful I am to
everyone who has contributed to this forum…I really learned a lot of
important and interesting stuff here….

Now the problem…

After I spent almost five days searching through this (and similar)
forums for possible solution to my problem, I lost any hope that I’ll
be able to resolve this one by myself. Now, after all that reading I
only became even more confused and I really have to ask for your help.

Since I’m an e-prime newbie and very bad at explaining things, I
should probably apologize in advance if the description of experiment
doesn’t turn out to be perfectly clear…. I’ll certainly do my best…

In my experiment there are three types of stimuli: fixation dot,
square-shaped cue and target- letter (target can be one of the 8
letters –a,b,c,d,w,x,y,z)

After 350ms fixation point, there can be either a cue(duration200ms)
or a target( duration 600ms).

If cue is presented before target, there are four different
possibilities; it can be presented either 150ms or 375ms before onset
of the target, and it can also be presented on the left side or on the
right side of the screen.

If the target is presented right after the fixation point, then, after
100ms it is followed by left or right square-shaped cue ( duration of
the cue remains the same – 200ms).

Experiment should contain 432 trials, divided into three blocks of
three repetitions of each condition. Trials should be presented in
pseudo-random order.

Is there anyone who has some idea how could I make this work??? I
would really appreciate your help.

Thanks in advance

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