Error Number: 101

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at
Fri May 7 16:16:15 UTC 2010

We experienced the same error messsage in one lab here, diagnosed it, 
found a workaround for the lab, and reported this to PST Web 
Support.  Following is that report, verbatim (and as mentioned there, 
if you had simply searched the Google Group or the PST Forum with a 
term like "buffer size" then you would have found where I already 
posted this at 
).  You should add your own report to PST Web Support at

Our first lab updated to EP2.0.8.73 from EP2.9.8.22, and immediately 
ran into a problem, but it is not critical so I report this as "Info" 
rather than "Bug". In short, it seems that EP2.0.8.73 reduced the 
maximum limit on sound Buffer Size. Details...

User had programs that ran fine in EP2.0.8.22, but at run time in 
EP2.9.8.73 got the error message, "Internal error buffer size issue", 
error #101. This occured in the InitObjects subroutine as it tried to 
execute Feedback.LoadProperties. For debugging, we deleted Feedback, 
and then the error just moved to SoundOut1.LoadProperties, etc. Turns 
out that Feedback also included a SoundOut sub-object. Looking 
further, these sound objects all had Buffer Size set to 50000 or 
60000 (experiment program originally developed in EP1, as you have 
guessed by now). Setting Buffer Mode to Streaming and Buffer Size 
back to the default of 5000 cured the problem, which is how things 
should be set in EP2 anyway.

The program had worked in EP2.0.8.22 and earlier because then the 
maximum limit on Buffer Size was 100000, apparently this changed in 
EP2.0.8.22. I did try doing a binary search to find the new limit in 
EP2.9.8.73, but the limit changed as I ran the search, I got it down 
to the order of 45000.

With Streaming Mode in EP2, no one needs large Buffer Sizes anymore, 
so this is not a critical bug. However, we should post a notice for 
those few users who may run into this problem. I will place the 
appropriate posts on the Forum and E-Prime Google Group, please chime 
in when you can.

-- David McFarlane, Professional Faultfinder

>While attempting to run our study today we received this message:
>Internal error buffer size issue.
>Error Number: 101
>The error seems to be connected with this: SoundOut1SoundBuffer.Load
>(This was originally programmed in E-Prime 1 but converted to 2.)
>I've looked at the one posting that mentions this error and tried what
>was suggested but continued to have the problem.
>We are using E-Run 2.0 (Runtime The program works fine on
>our computers that have only E-Run installed but we are trying to run
>a study off site using their computers. The computers on both sites
>are running Windows XP and have the same version of E-Run installed.
>Could their be a some configuration of the environment of the off site
>computers that is causing the problem? Some application that needs to
>be updated? Something in the E-Prime file that needs to be adjusted?
>Any suggestions would be great.

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