Track trigger timing

Evelina Tapia evelina at
Tue Jan 4 18:13:42 UTC 2011


I am creating an experiment where a TMS is triggered at various points
during a trial sequence (where several stimuli are presented). I have
InLine code at the very beginning of the experiment that randomizes
the onset of the trigger. What I want to be able to do is to timestamp
the execution of the trigger -- in other words, I want a timestamp
when the line of code in InLine for trigger TMS is begun/completed and
I want to log that data together with other information in the
final .edat file. For that purpose I have declared 2 global variables
"PulseOn" and "PulseOff" under the User tab in the Script window. In
my InLine code right after trigger is executed (and I know that the
trigger works just as it should) I have added

PulseOn = Clock.Read
c.SetAttrib "PulseOnset", PulseOn

and similar code is placed after the port is turned off for trigger
offset time stamp. However, when I run this code, the variables
PulseOnset/Offset are not saved in the data file. I have also tried to
use c.Log in this InLine but then only one line of data (one trial) is
saved and although trigger onset/offset are marked, there is no more
any data about the objects presented during the trial.

In the documentation I have found that "a variable must be set as an
attribute of the context object in order to be logged in the data
file" so I assume that the issue here is that PulseOn/Off aren't
really "attached" to any object in the experiment... Is there a way
around that? Or another way to log the onset/offset of the trigger?



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