sample based on value from parent list?

Jeremy Elman jelman523 at
Fri Nov 4 22:16:47 UTC 2011

Hi all,

I was wondering if it is possible to sample rows from a list based on a 
value sampled from a parent list. Here is my intended design:

Subjects first study 150 pictures. At test, they are presented a 
description of one of the studied pictures, such as "A man selling goods 
from a cart." For each picture, they are then asked 6 true/false detail 
questions, such as "The cart is painted white." For the design, I'd like to 
have the description cue appear first for a period of time, maybe 8 
seconds, before presenting the 6 detail questions for the associated 
picture. After all 6 questions, it would move on to the next picture's 
description and associated detail questions.  However, I'd like the order 
of each of these picture "mini-blocks" to be randomized.

Now, I'm thinking I could have the following set-up:

DescriptionList (Randomly sampled list containing 1 description of each 
          DescriptionProc (Begins with a Slide containing description from 
the DescriptionList)
                DetailList (Ideally, all details for every picture to avoid 
needing 150 lists of 6 details each. Each set of details for a given 
picture can be sampled randomly or not, whichever is easiest)
                       DetailProc (Text slide with the detail text from 

So my main question is, if I want DetailList to contain the full set of 
details for all pictures, is there a way to sample 6 items (either randomly 
or sequentially, doesn't matter to me) from DetailList corresponding to the 
picture randomly selected from DescriptionList? I'm hoping there is an 
E-basic command that can get the value from an attribute in DescriptionList 
containing the name of the picture (Picture001, Picture002, etc.) and 
filter for the same value in a similar field within DetailList. Any ideas 
on what commands/structures I could look into?

Thank you in advance for any ideas!

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