Sound Issues

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at
Tue Nov 15 15:13:54 UTC 2011

If the images worked when you used an ImageDisplay object, then they 
should work just the same when you use them in a SlideImage 
sub-object within a Slide, so I cannot imagine what you are doing 
wrong.  If you are using SoundIn then you must be using EP2 (please, 
in future, specify your EP version and OS), so it should work with 
.jpg files (EP1 worked with only .bmp files).  Adding SlideSoundOut 
or SlideSoundIn to the Slide should make no difference, I have 
successfully done all this myself.

OTOH, if you did not earlier get this to work even with an 
ImageDisplay or without the SoundIn, then perhaps you should first 
back up a bit and redo the ImageDisplay and Slide tutorials in the 
Getting Started Guide that came with E-Prime.  While you are at it, 
also do *all* the tutorials and exercises (including Appendix C!) in 
the User's Guide.

-- David McFarlane

At 11/14/2011 07:36 PM Monday, cogneuro wrote:
>Thank you both so much for your replies!
>I just did need to change the settings in E-Prime to add a sound 
>capture device.
>But now I ran into some more problems. The audio files play, but I 
>want to slide with the SlideSoundOut to also have a corresponding 
>picture with it. However, I keep getting the 'ImageDisplay Internal 
>Error has occurred.' I have the same name as my list attribute as 
>the file name in my slide image properties. And the images are 
>.jpegs and in the same folder. I'm not sure what I did wrong. Do you 
>have to do something different if you want sound and pictures on the 
>same slide?
>Thanks again!!
>On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 2:47 PM, David McFarlane 
><<mailto:mcfarla9 at>mcfarla9 at> wrote:
>Are you trying to *play* sound with a SoundOut or SlideSound, or 
>*record* sound with a SoundIn or SlideSoundIn?  If you get this 
>error while trying to record sound, then Meltem has provided the 
>answer.  If while trying to play sound, then the solution is much 
>the same, except that you must add or enable the Sound device instead.
>EP2 by default enables the sound device, so it would be weird to get 
>this error unless somebody manually disabled the device.  By 
>contrast, EP1 by default includes the Sound device but disables it, 
>making this error much more likely.
>-- David McFarlane
>At 11/12/2011 05:59 PM Saturday, Meltem BALLAN wrote:
>Hi There,
>It is a pretty common error. You need to add a sound capture device. 
>Go to Edit-> Experiments-> Devices-> Add Sound Capture Device. I 
>think it will solve your issue.
>Good Luck.
>On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 5:42 PM, cogneuro 
><<mailto:neuropsych76 at><mailto:neuropsych76 at>neuropsych76 at> 
>Hi all,
>I've used E-Prime a decent amount but never for audio files. I keep 
>running into errors when I try to input my auditory stimuli. The 
>experiment is pretty simple, I want to present a list of picture 
>files, then audio files. My pictures present well, but my audio 
>files always crash. I have my general procedure with a list for the 
>pictures, procedure for the pictures, and a slide that presents the 
>pictures. I have the same thing for the audio files but I keep 
>getting the error message 'The device must be open prior to calling 
>this method' on the slide where I have my sounds on. I've been 
>searching around but can't quite find what the issue is. I'm just 
>using .wav files so I thought they would be compatible with E-Prime 2.
>Thank you for any help!
>Meltem Ballan, PhD
>Department of Psychiatry, CB# 7160
>University of North Carolina School of Medicine
>7023 Neurosciences Hospital
>Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7160

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