time limit for task

MSpape sovspape at cognitology.eu
Wed Jan 25 20:33:39 UTC 2012

Okay, checked for newer messages, this has not been solved, correct?
Place your experiment in a list. Any list, even if it has only one
level. See the option for exit-list after... and change to 10 minutes.
Now, if you want to display changing stuff, in E-prime, be prepared
for hardship, as it isn't E-Prime's forte. For instance, before the
experiment, place Dim ExperimentStarted as Long ...in the global
script place (alt+5). Place ExperimentStarted = Clock.Read ...in an
inline just before the aforementioned list Then, at any point you want
to review how much time there is left, you could say something like:
C.SetAttrib "SecondsLeft" = (10 * 60 * 1000 - (Clock.Read -
ExperimentStarted))/1000 And voila, you have an attribute with the
number of seconds left, which you can place at any point in time on
some TextDisplay in a slide or something. However, it will only update
if you repeat that line. I'll leave you to that.


On Jan 25, 6:00 pm, David Moore <D.Mo... at bath.ac.uk> wrote:
> Dear e-primers,
> I am generating an experiment in which participants have to perform on of
> two tasks and they choose when to do each. The task however needs to last
> exactly 10 minutes and I dont seem to be able to work out how to force
> e-prime to have a time limit, if participants could see there time
> remaining as well that would be perfect.
> Best
> David

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